Intentional Faith

I’ve been doing a Bible in a year reading plan…er, podcast, because I don’t have a lot of time to sit and read these days. If yall have ever read through the Bible, you know how wildly exciting the first couple of books are. By that I mean long lists of people’s families and weird… Continue reading Intentional Faith


As I stood in church this morning singing about the goodness of God, the lyrics depicted a shepherd God chasing after us. I thought of something Lisa Harper says a lot in her teaching, that she’s always trying to run hard after Jesus. All of this movement. It makes me tired. If energy were a… Continue reading Trippin’

Thrill of Hope

I exhaled slowly, considering my response. I’ve been asked this question approximately 23 days in a row. “But where are the lights?” As I shuttle Harlow to school each day, we pass by the park. During the Christmas season, its halls, errr, pine trees, were decked with lights as far as the eye could see.… Continue reading Thrill of Hope


On what must have been the windiest day of the year, we loaded up our jeep with fishing poles, snacks, and chairs. We made our way down to the pond, fishing line whipping in the whirls, tangling into itself. As we shooed the cows enough to make room for our set up, we were met… Continue reading Hooked

Merry Christmas from Salty but Sweet

Thank you all so much for your love and support for Salty but Sweet! I pray that you are encouraged and inspired by the words that you read or listen to on the blog/podcast. I hope that the spirit moves you as you reflect on your own experiences and when you pray bold prayers. We… Continue reading Merry Christmas from Salty but Sweet

You are a river

“I realized I’m not a lake, I’m a river.” I heard this on a podcast recently. I backed it up and replayed it. I was intrigued by this idea and have been thinking about it ever since. Each summer, my family travels to north Georgia to spend the week together in a house overlooking Lake… Continue reading You are a river

Mama said that it was okay

We just finished celebrating homecoming week! The ideas and traditions around homecoming have changed over the years and vary from place to place. For me, it invokes memories at my high school alma mater. As a cheerleader, I would spend weeks hand painting spirit signs to hang up at the football game and around our… Continue reading Mama said that it was okay

Give Thanks

“Hit it, Harlow!” Every day, we pray together on our ride to school. We start out the same way, “Good morning, Jesus!” Depending on which kid is doing the praying that day, I facilitate the prayer or just listen as Grey or Harlow talk to Jesus. If you know Harlow, you know she’s a ham.… Continue reading Give Thanks


I hugged the preacher’s neck and commented on how his words and the lyrics sung by the worship team cut into the fears of the current state of the pandemic. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve suited up, taking ragged breaths through all of the gear meant to keep me safe, and walked… Continue reading Breathe