
Can y’all believe we are still dealing with this pandemic? When it started unfolding, I think we were all disillusioned in thinking this too shall a timely manner. Yet we are still waiting. For resolution. For normalcy. For predictability. But what I’m still hearing is “I’m _____.” Tired. Overwhelmed. Discouraged. Hurting. Exhausted. Confused. We… Continue reading Still

And if not, He is still good

If you don’t get the job. If you don't get to go. If you don’t see success in this season. If the miracle doesn't come. If the diagnosis doesn't change. If the circumstances don't get better. He is still good. That’s not to say that this doesn’t cause a lot of fear. Fear what we… Continue reading And if not, He is still good

Martha, Martha, Martha

I’m just working for the weekend. If I hurry up and get it done now, I can relax later. If I don’t do it, who will? Have you found yourself thinking these things lately? In a world of go, go, go, and do, do, do – it becomes a badge of honor we wear proudly.… Continue reading Martha, Martha, Martha